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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2012
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        
W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, A. Bonofiglio, O. Lies, J. Head, S. Carlson

Others Present: 
P. Harding, Town Planner, Deb Sciascia, Recording Secretary,
Jim Zingarelli, DPW Engineer

7:08 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.  Agenda taken out of order.

  • October 25, 2011:  A. Bonfiglio motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 5-0, S. Carlson, abstained.  APPROVED.
  • November 8, 2011:  J. Head motioned to approve.  O. Lied seconded.  Vote 5-0, W. Ritter abstained.  APPROVED.
  • December 13, 2011:  J. Head motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.  APPROVED.
  • January 10, 2012:  A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve.  J. Head seconded.  O. Lies requested a change in ‘other business – change 2006 to 2008’.  Vote 5-0, S. Carlson abstained.  APPROVED.
Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Meeting minutes.

PUBLIC HEARING Chapter 7.1 Zoning Bylaw Amend  Section XI.J.3.g Site Plan Review/Special Permit Bylaw:  W. Ritter read the Public Hearing notice into record.

The following is the posted version of the amendment from the December 13, 2011 meeting.  The amendment will be placed on the May 2012 Town Meeting Warrant and will require a recommendation from the Planning Board.

Section XI.J.3.g.
To add Building elevations, exterior building materials submission requirements to Section XI.J.3.3.g.D.2 Contents of Plans as follows:
Contents of Plans   Site plans shall be submitted in a scale of not less than 1”=40’.  Site plans shall show the boundaries of the premises, label direct abutters, existing and proposed topography, existing and proposed buildings including the facades thereof, building elevations, exterior building materials, parking, screening, water, sanitary sewerage, storm drainage, loading areas, driveway openings, driveways, service areas and lighting.  A landscaping plan must be submitted designating the location and species of each proposed and existing planting.  There must be a landscaping table included on the plan which lists species, quantity and size.  All dumpsters, outside storage areas, generators and other
similar structures must be marked on the landscaping plan and designate proposed screening.  Fencing must show location, type and height.

To add the following subsections (e)-(k)  to Section XI.J.3.3.g.D.3 Review:
  • Review   In reviewing each such application, the Planning Board shall determine that the site plan is so designed as to assure the following:
  • Adequate parking and safety of internal circulation and egress.
  • Traffic safety and ease of access at street and highway entrance and exits of driveways, taking account of grades, sight distances and distances between such driveway entrances, exits and the nearest existing street(s) or highway intersection(s).
  • Adequate access to each structure for fire and service equipment.
  • Adequate utility service and drainage, consistent with the performance standards of the Subdivision Control Regulations for the Town of Holden.
  • The proposed site fits in with the scale and architectural style of surrounding properties
  • Architectural and site details:  Details, color texture, materials, light fixtures, signs and all exterior features should be visually compatible, blending to create a diverse yet unified street composition.
  • The Board will review all proposed alterations of, and additions to, existing structures, and all new construction.
  • New construction should respect the existing historic streetscape.  The historic relationship of buildings to the street and to other properties in the district, including setbacks and open spaces, should be maintained.
  • The Board will consider the appropriateness of the size, massing, scale, height, and shape of the building or structure both in relation to the land area upon which the building or structure is situated and to buildings and structures in the vicinity.
  • New structures should be finished on the exterior with composition, and architectural details that are consistent with the architectural style predominant in the vicinity.
  • Features such as doors and windows should be compatible in proportion, size, shape, location, and pattern with similar features on other contributing structures.
No public or Board comments.

O. Lies motioned the recommendation to Town Meeting of the Amendment to the Site Plan Review/Special Permit By law.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.  APPROVED.

PUBLIC HEARING Zoning Bylaw Creation of Chapter 7.1 Section XIX Ground Mounted Solar Array Bylaw:  W. Ritter read the Public Hearing notice into record.

Town Counsel conducted significant formatting revisions from the model but the contents has largely remained the same.  Their comments are as follows:
·~~~~~~~~ Section 3.F: Abandonment:  This section is part of the model bylaw, and similar provisions have been approved by the Attorney General’s Office. However, we believe the Town may encounter difficulty enforcing this provision as a zoning matter. Entering private property to remove abandoned structures may, instead, require action by the Board of Health, Fire Chief, or Building Inspector to address health or safety risks.
·~~~~~~~~ Section 4.B.1.b: You may also want to require that site plans show the site’s topography, if you have a standard for elevation at certain intervals that the Planning Board requires for other plans.
·~~~~~~~~ Section 4.B.8: Financial Surety:  I removed the model’s cap on the surety amount (125% of the cost), as such a cap is unnecessary and could cause the surety to be insufficient.
·~~~~~~~~ Table of Use: This is a stylistic point, but rather than adding a new “Commercial” heading with only one use, perhaps this new use could be included under “Wholesale and Manufacturing” instead.

Also the Holden Municipal Light Department requested :
3.5 Utility Notification
No large- scale ground –mounted solar photovoltaic installation shall be constructed until evidence has been given to the Site Plan Review Authority that the utility company that operates the electrical grid where the installation is to be located has been informed of the solar photovoltaic installation owner or operator’s intent to install an interconnected customer-owned generator.  Off-grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.

be replaced with:
Utility Approval
Evidence that the Holden Municipal Light Department has approved the solar photovoltaic array field as proposed.

This amendment resulted because Holden has a municipal Light Department, which retains greater control over projects which contribute electricity to the grid.  This will ensure the Light Department is agreeable to the project prior to the submission of a Site Plan.

The Bylaw will be placed on the May 2012 Town Meeting Warrant and will require a recommendation from the Planning Board.

No public comments.

S. Carlson asked if agricultural was exempt.  Pam stated that this is not considered agriculture.

The wording for ‘Utility Notification’ came from the Light Department.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to recommend to Town Meeting.  S. Carlson seconded.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.  APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Zoning By Law, Chapter 7.1 Section XIX, Ground Mounted Solar Array By law.

CONTINUATION, PUBLIC HEARING SITE PLAN REVIEW / SPECIAL PERMIT 54 Boyden Road OHC Residences, Inc. Construction of Medical Office Building:  S. Carlson has reviewed the meeting minutes from the previous meeting and signed the Mullins Rule, therefore is allowed to vote.

The Medical Office Building applicants submitted revised plans on January 10, 2012.  Since this time Town Departments have reviewed revisions and the Transportation Circulation Committee has reviewed the Traffic Report.  TCC has recommended the traffic impacts of the intersection be continually monitored.  P. Harding included a condition in the attachment in the draft decision to reflect this recommendation.

P. Harding has also conditioned the buffer between the material storage area and the abutting residential properties be increased from 50’ to 100’.  Greater than the minimum buffer should be retained when the type of future development is unknown and abuts a residential area.  The Board has the draft of conditions and comments from DPW Water and Sewer for review.  The applicant has also gone before the ZBA last Thursday, and obtained all variances, and a variance for a 40 SF sign.

No public comments.

Sami Baghdady stated that he would like TCC to review the traffic report.

S. Carlson asked what a Medical Arts Facility is.  S. Baghdady said basically that language is because that’s what it’s called, and they did not ask for a variance for medical arts.  S. Baghdady will have to check with the ZBA secretary.

J. Head asked for more information regarding the signage handout they have for review.  There are 3 signs, one on the building, on the ladder sign, and on Main and Boyden identifying the campus.  P. Harding asked what material the sign would be made of – brick veneer with a lit sign panel that meets the zoning by laws.  S. Baghdady said they do have a lighting condition.  P. Harding said the details of signage can be submitted at a later date.

A. Bonofiglio said that it appears there are 2 – 30’ signs that are in the Board had in their review packet, and asked where they are to be located.  J. Boyce said one is going near Boyden Road, and is replacing the hospital drive sign.  The other one is at the Holden Rehab Project.

W. Ritter asked for any other comments from the public or Board.

P. Harding said she has reviewed the signage and has questions about the lighting.

O. Lies would like the Board to discuss the traffic.  Z. Zingarelli, DPW Engineer, stated that after 80% occupancy they will review the traffic again.  The traffic lights and the water main both cannot be on the back of this one phase of the project.  DPW will be doing a flow test tomorrow, January 25th.  S. Carlson said the flow test is for life saving.  John Boyce said that after tomorrow they will have a better idea.  He also explained the 50’ buffer they are requesting as opposed to the required 100’ buffer.  There will be a 40’ hill.

Board discussion:

O. Lies:  Asked for engineering to give their recommendations after the flow tests.  S. Baghdady agreed on an analysis from DPW, and would like to work with the town staff to come to a conclusion.  J. Zingarelli stated that they also need to work with the fire dept.  P. Harding said the #7, 8 & o come directly from Mark Elbag, Director of Sewer & Water, and she feels uncomfortable approving any changes to conditions.

S. Carlson said he is against jet pumps.

W. Ritter recommended leaving #7 as is, and wait for DPW’s review.

D. Lindberg is against a 50’ buffer area.  J. Boyce showed on the map where the 50’ buffer zone is.

Todd Lobo, Meridien & Associates, Site Engineer, explained the flow of water.

The fill piles will be approximately 12’ high.  W. Ritter recommended that temporary fill piles for no more than a three (3) month period.

W. Ritter would like to add, ‘the rock crushing area will be an area away from abutter’.

O. Lies asked if #20, under ‘Traffic’, if the wording came from TCC.  P. Harding has not gotten a written decision from TCC yet.  D. Lindberg does not think that police detail is the answer.  There should be a more permanent solution.  All Planning Board members agree that traffic is going to be a problem.  O. Lies recommended the wording be change for #20 ‘Traffic’, deleting the first sentence on page 5.  Regarding waivers, add a similar language to granting a waiver on the bases of substantial hardship.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to close the Public Hearing.  D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve the Draft of Conditions into record.  D. Lindberg seconded it for discussion.

D. Lindberg asked for hours of operation to #26, excluding Sundays and holidays, as a friendly amendment to the motion.  A. Bonofiglio seconded the motion.  Vote 6-0, all in favor.  APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Draft Site Plan Review / Special Permit, 54 Boyden Road, OHC Residences, Inc., Construction of Medical Office Building.

  • Duties of the Planning Board:  W. Ritter explained what the Board can and cannot do to S. Carlson.
  • CMRPC:  O. Lies informed the Board that CMRPC has a few openings.  John Boyce has shown some interest in serving on the committee.
  • P. Harding announced that this is her last meeting till May.  She will be taking a maternity leave.  Steve Parker, a private consultant, will be filling in.  P. Harding will send W. Ritter his contact information.
NEXT MEETING:  February 14, 2012

A. Bonofiglio motioned to adjourn.  J. Head seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 9.10 PM.

January 24, 2012 minutes approved:              April 10, 2012          

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary